We are your business partner in the Uzbek gas market

Based on the Presidential Decree No. PP-280 dated June 15, 2022, UzGasTrade JSC exercises the following functions:

From August 1, 2022 the rights and obligations of Uztransgaz JSC under gas purchase and sale contracts and agreements, including products sharing agreements, were transferred to UzGasTrade JSC

Gas import

JSC "UzGasTrade" imports natural gas on the basis of market mechanisms following the results of negotiations.

Purchase of natural gas

Purchases of natural gas from producers of the republic as a single operator of the state at prices approved by the Interdepartmental Tariff Commission in a centralized manner

Natural gas marketing

Review of prices in the world market and attracting new companies to import and export of natural gas

Gas sale

Sale of natural gas to Hududgaztaminot JSC and consumers connected to the main gas transmission system on terms of direct contracts, including acting as a single exporter, except in cases provided for by decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Statutory Documents

Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to improve the natural gas and electricity sales mechanism”


Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to ensure the sustainable supply of energy resources to the population and the economy, the financial recovery of the oil and gas network and the improvement of its management system”


Resolutions The Cabinet Of Ministers Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to improve the procedure for the use of electricity and natural gas"


Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan " On additional measures to reform the natural gas market"


Tender and competitive procedure

All tenders and competitions are held on the Unified Portal of State Tender Applications

See our tenders

Be Our Client


Submit your application and documents

Consumer's request to conclude a contract and list of consumer's necessary documents

Documents are initially accepted for review by UzGasTrade JSC.



Within 3 working days, the consumer gets a reply by e-mail or phone on the status of his or her documents


Get the contract

Once the necessary documents have been fully submitted, a sample natural gas sales contract shall be drawn up with the customer and the prepayment amount shall be debited to the bank accounts specified in this contract, in accordance with the provided volume of natural gas

With consideration to the natural gas volumes, two copies of the natural gas sales documents shall be issued to consumers up to the 10th day of each month, and one copy shall be delivered to the consumer through regional representatives

Application for connection to the natural gas network


Your application has been successfully sent and will be reviewed within 3 working days


Personal data

Company information

Personal documents

Scanned passport in PDF format

Название файла

728 кб

Personal documents

Scanned power of attorney in PDF format

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728 кб

Metrological documents

Passport of a commercial measuring complex for mutual settlements between the Supplier and the Consumer

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728 кб

Protocol for the study of metrological characteristics during the metrological certification of the measuring complex on the gas supply pipeline

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728 кб

The act of installing the narrowing device

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728 кб

A copy of the calculation of the corresponding narrowing device, made in accordance with GOST 8.586. (1-5) -2005 and verified by the State Standard

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In accordance with the established procedure, the designed scheme of the measuring complex

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Gas metering certificates

Copies of calibration certificates for high-precision measuring instruments (device (with verification protocol) and narrowing device)

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728 кб

A copy of the certificate of metrological certification of the measuring complex

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728 кб

A copy of the permission of the GI "Sanoatgeokontekhnazorat" for the installation, repair, commissioning and operation of gas pipelines, gas filling stations of other gas facilities

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728 кб

Certificate of the number of operating compressors and their capacity, certified by the seal and signature of the manager

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Specifications issued by Uztransgaz JSC

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728 кб

Specifications issued by Khududgaztaminot JSC

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728 кб

Project on gasification of the facility

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Executive technical documentation (ITD)

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Copy of license and license agreement

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A copy of the conclusion of the territorial division of Uzneftegazinspektsiya on the compliance of the technologies and equipment used with energy efficiency indicators, as well as on the use of alternative fuels

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728 кб

Letter regarding the absence of an industrial collector from Khududgaztaminot JSC

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728 кб

Information about connecting to gas networks

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728 кб

*If necessary, UzGasTrade JSC may request additional data from a consumer not listed above

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